Learning from other photographers
Members of the Hermanus Photographic Society joined locals from Stanford at the Betrag Gallery on Wednesday 15 January, to hear two photographers outline their perspectives as part …
Members of the Hermanus Photographic Society joined locals from Stanford at the Betrag Gallery on Wednesday 15 January, to hear two photographers outline their perspectives as part …
The year 2022 saw the club celebrate its 25th anniversary and much of the clubs activity was geared to this and to coming out of …
Shadows as November’s set subject You probably don’t think about them that much when shooting, but shadows can make a scene more dramatic if you …
The IBC Bodyboarding World Tour is happening at the Onrus Beach for ten days. It kicked of with a with a formal reception on 18 August …
Various members of the Hermanus Photographic Society were at the The One Tea Party on Sunday 26 June held at The One Heaven and Earth venue …
Our set subject for June is using the chiaroscuro technique. Chiaroscuro, is an Italian term that refers to the intense contrast of light (chiar) and dark (oscuro). Think old masters, drama, mood. Play with light
Despite of all these challenges we carried on and when possible made sure that there was a variety of activities for our members.
Despite Covid limitations curtailing regular monthly meetings at the Church Hall, the Hermanus Photographic Society participated via virtual “Zoom” meetings. This allowed the September meeting …
5 Minute Photo Scope Bokeh (pronounced boh-kay or incorrectly bok-uh) comes from the Japanese word boke (暈けor ボケ), which means blur or haze, or blur …