Hermanus Photographic Society
Set subject competition

Set subject competition

The monthly set subject competition is intended to test and stretch the technical and creative abilities of our member photographers. 

MarchShadows as art
AprilUsing perspective
MayA mono street scene
JuneA sliver of light
JulyFlames and/or smoke
AugustPicception (an image inside an image)
SeptemberA foggy or misty landscape
OctoberAn action shot
DecemberGuilty pleasures

The winning image for ‘A sliver of light’ was The Cellist © Marié Botes

June 2024

The winning image for ‘A mono street scene’ was Rainy Day in Lubeck © Charles Naudé

May 2024

The winning image for ‘Using perspective’ was Iconic Chobe elephants © Carina de Klerk

April 2024

The set subject winner for ‘Shadows as art’ was Surviving together © Carina de Klerk

March 2024

The set subject winner for ‘Reflections’ was Portree reflections © Phil Sturgess

February 2024

The set subject winner for ‘An equine subject’ was Equine Beauty © Hestie das Neves

December 2023

The set subject winner for ‘Urban regeneration or decay’ was New wing for old museum © Charles Naude

November 2023

The set subject winner for an image taken in the rain was Cold and wet © Carina de Klerk

October 2023

Ballet duet © Phil Sturgess was the set subject winner for the competition ‘An image shot in July 2023’

September 2023

Bicycle race by Queen was © Phil Sturgess’, winning image in the Set subject My favourite poem, book, song or movie

August 2023

Warthog skull © Carina de Klerk, winning image in the Set subject Still life

July 2023

Winterberg at a tenth © Carina de Klerk, winning image in the Set subject Creative Shutter Speed (a set tenth of second)

June 2023

Boat Builder © Luke Horsten, winning image in Planes, Trains, Boats and Automobiles

May 2023

Autumn fall © Daniel Reddie, winning image in Trees and Leaves competition

April 2023

Last light at Kwaaiwater © Phil Sturgess won the Local Image (Overberg) as set subject competition

March 2023

Fishy bike © Carina de Klerk was the winner in the Bicycle as set subject competition

February 2023

Berries and Pancakes © Mari Botes in the set subject Food Photography

December 2022

Equilibrium © Crighton Klassen.

November 2022

Garden Pet by Luke Horsten was the set subject winner in the Portrait of a family or a friend’s pet competition.

October 2022

Spirals in Nature winner was David Wilson’s image Colourful Spiral

September 2022

Sport in Action winner was Phil Sturgess’ image Canoe Chaos

August 2022

Three Plus Three © Luke Horsten.

The number three: Set subject winner as well as image of the month.

July 2022


Late Afternoon Light and Shadows © Kobus Botes was the winner of the set subject competition for June 2022, Chiaroscuro and/or Photographing Light.

Winner of set subject H is for… Hippo Happiness by © Carina de Klerk. This image was also awarded overall image of the month.

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© Crighton Klassen’s image the wreck of the Meisho Meru was the set subject winner for Abandoned structures competition.

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The Desolate Jetty by © Crighton Klassen was the winner in the Moods competition.

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February’s winner of the ‘Decisive Moment‘ topic is Narrow escape by © Carina de Klerk. 5-Star.

Your old photograph revived. Set subject winner Hilltop Chapel 2016 by © Peter Jaquire. The December competition required an old photograph to be revived with creative editing and or enhancements to the original photograph.

The viewing platform by © Phil Sturgess was the winning image in the November 2021 competition to depict moving waters.

Winner of Bokeh, October 2021 was Elgin Railway Market Cat © Rene Pretorius


Triptych, A story in Three. Winner of set subject image for September 2021.

A Goliath Heron in Action © Treurnicht du Toit.

Triptych – a story in three photos

Winner of Lines and Geometry set subject, August 2021.

BoKaap Lines © Mari Botes

Lines and Geometry