Our April club meeting sported many merit awards and well deserved. From new members to our senior photographers presented excellent images and was rewarded for that by Evely Gibson as judge. It is especially the up and coming photographers and new members that stole the limelight.
Judge: Evelyn Gibson

Creativity is certainly there and the colours enliven this image well.

Yes very creative and handled well with a strong impact.

Very good image indeed for a one star worker this is excellent and a lovely composition.

Lovely image and handled well.

Lovely portrait and pin sharp right thru, well done.

Beautiful image. I cannot fault anything in this image and the expression on the face is strong and story telling.

Definitely a story telling image, curiosity as to what is happening, lighting very good and image is sharp, handled very nicely indeed.

Great action shot and handled well and captured at the right moment.

Lovely image and tells a huge story technically very good indeed

Excellent image and handled very well indeed. This would be my winner in the PJ Section

Colour definitely enlivens the spirit and the different approach and perspective of the image draws one into it, without the person at the top it would have have been as strong.

Strong image and has strong impact the sky is great and the impact is strong, good processing here with this image.

Yes the colours pulls one into this image perhaps composition is a bit too busy but the image is sharp and interesting.

Very good image indeed and the story is there and it has been handled very well indeed, in fact there are three different stories attached to this image.

Lovely story telling image and handled well in the lighting conditions on stage, pin sharp right thru with high impact.

Good colourful street image with many different stories there, handled well under the weather conditions.

Good colour street photography image leaving one guessing what they are talking about, perhaps the actual faces of the people not as sharp as they could be but the colours pulls one in to the image.

Colours lovely, composition perhaps not as strong, reflections certainly adds value to the image.

Very good image indeed and handled very well, story is also strong.

Different approach to this image but it does leave one guessing, colours good and story strong.

Very well handled indeed, lighting very good, pin sharp and DOF spot on as the background is not distracting at all.

Rhino sharp and the lighting good, the birds add value to this image, perhaps small DOF would have helped more as the background can be a little bit distracting but very good for a 2 star worker.

Bateleur good with detail right thru, perhaps the rocks slightly over exposed, definitely a great moment of capture.

Good moment of capture perhaps the cheetah is not quite as sharp as it should be and also be careful of the slightly overexposed background.

Stunning image everything is there and the reflection adds great value to the image well done.

Another great image with all in place handled well.

Very good image indeed, lighting good and great detail in the birds right thru.

Very strong image with strong impact, the moody feel to it certainly pulls one into the image, well done.

Good detail in the elephant but be careful of the bright parts on the elephants head, also composition perhaps not so strong, would have been stronger if we had seen perhaps the whole of the elephants head.

Very well handled indeed, lighting very good, pin sharp and DOF spot on as the background is not distracting at all.

Impact good and moody image, the female on the left perhaps not as sharp also be careful as some digital noise is there in the background but a very interesting image.

Good lighting and good detail and captured at the right moment, the reflection certainly adds value to the image.

Also a good story in this image but the brightness in the sunset is taking over the image perhaps a bit too much.

Lovely story in this image and the colours brings out impact to the image, the actual face is perhaps not as sharp as it could be but well done for a 1 star worker.

Good street photography image with a definite story there, nice and sharp, perhaps a slight crop on the left side would have made it stronger taking right into the actual main suject of the shop.

Good moment of capture and idea is very good, it would have been stronger if the actual bird had been sharper but the mood and mistique is there.

Very pleasing image and the lighting is spot on and the animal is pin sharp, also a good story to this image leaves one guessing.

Lovely moody landscape, colours and lighting very good and the reflections adding value to the image.

Colourful and a lovely memory handled well and portrays a lovely architectural approach.

Nice night time landscape and has some impact to it, the sky certainly adds value to this image.

Very colourful image, perhaps the composition lets the image down slightly the right hand part of the image is holding us back from getting into the image.

Beautiful landscape.

For a 2 star this is a lovely image and handled very well indeed.

Complies with the set subject, lighting good. Compositiion perhaps not as strong.

Handled well with the processing, perhaps most emphasis on the leaves and the tree would have made it even stronger. For me a lovely landscape image.

Nice colourful image and handled well.

Certainly plenty of leaves perhaps the composition could have been stronger by focussing on one of two of the leaves.

Plenty leaves here for sure but focussing on one part of the leaves perhaps would have had a stronger impact of the set subject.

Nice lighting and nice composition of up close of the leaves.

Definitely the creativity added to the composition of this image and covers the set subject well. For a 1 star worker this is well done.

Complies with the set subject composition perhaps a little bit too busy as it takes ones eye around and around, focus of some of the leaves certainly would have made it stronger.

Nice patterns created with this composition of the leaves, the author created a lovely composition of leaves which immediately spoke to me. For me this is the Set Subject winner.

Very creative approach to the set subject and works well.

For 2 star this has been handled very nicely indeed, creativity here in the composition.

Leaves are certainly there the composition brings this image down slightly.