The Hermanus Photographic Society held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday 5 March 2020, at 7pm in the Dutch Reformed Church in Church Street Hermanus.
Here the regular photographic competition featured a select subject on “Celebrating Nature” and a good example of members photos showing nature in all its glory was exhibited. That trend too was evident in the main competition where there was a significant number of entries featuring various aspects of nature and indeed, all round, the number of excellent photos made judging extremely hard for the judge.
The set subject winner was Carina de Klerk’s “Celebrating the Joys of the Ocean” but in the other categories the following received coveted merit awards.
- “Watchful” by Charles Naude (also Senior Image of the Month)
- “There is Always the One Sister” by Elizma Fourie
- “Macro Magic” by Ingrid Grundlingh (also Junior Image of the Month)
- “Autumn” by Marie Botes.
On Wednesday 19 March at 7pm at the Dutch Reformed Church the club will hold the second of “Camera Basics Appreciation Classes” to bring to members of the public information classes on how to operate all types of cameras being used by members of the club and in addition a camera workshop will be available to explain the hidden techniques of their own camera and adjust the settings accordingly. This month the main topic will be “cell phone photography”.
The first session on 19 February was a great success so members of the public are again invited to join us. Further details of the classes can be found on the club’s website.
There is always the one sister © Elizma Fourie Autumn © Mari Botes Macro Magic © Ingrid Grundlingh Watchful © Charles Naude