Judge: David Wilson

Love the capture as it is filled with adrenaline which can be seen in the eyes of rider 208 as he navigates the Whoop-de-do’s aka Rhythm Section, the motion in the front wheel adds to the aforementioned as seen during the pop a wheelie taking place. I’m not sure whether the inclusion of the additional riders exiting the berm as it has rider 190 clipped (left arm) by the edge of the frame but in the same breath the inclusion of said rider does link the leader of the pack to the tail enders. Consider a tighter crop to have rider 208 only in the image as this is where the action is.
Score 22 Silver

This is a nice photo slightly let down perhaps by the amount of noise (and it is admitted this might have been planned) and the slightly skewed verticals in the background that lead the viewer away for the subject matter.
Score 20 Silver

Certainly tells the story of a crowded Whale Festival but feel that the crowed is too much in shadow and they could be lightened somewhat. But the purpose of PJ is to tell a story and it does that and the inclusion of the info on the bid of the leading member of the crowd ensures the viewer knows the story. Well done.
Score 19 Gold

Nice almost action photo showing perhaps slightly too much negative space. Like the colours that are handled well and the hair is particularly well done. Perhaps slightly more depth of field would have assisted in the presentation of the photo as parts of the body seem less in focus than other parts. But a nice photo.
Score 23 Silver

A square format in Nature is always difficult and this has been handled well as the composition suits the subject matter. However having said that perhaps it could be cropped more at the bottom. A really nice photo that ticks all the boxes for appeal and symmetry, Well done
Score 26 Gold

Love the wet look, it certainly is different to the well-groomed and often preened look that is strived for, as I understand that in nature no digital manipulation will be allowed, the branches behind the hawk are found to be distracting not only because it seems to be “growing” out the subjects head and chest but because of the chromatic aberration seen causing a halo around the branches killing what is a beautiful image. I feel since the bird was not in flight the photographer had the time to note the distraction and possibly adjust the camera settings accordingly. Score 20 Silver

Always intriguing to see these clustering together and here perhaps the lack of sharpness detracts somewhat as does the inclusion of the leaves on the left had side. Always annoying to be told maybe move a little to take it out but perhaps this is the reason its so often said.
Score 19 Gold.

Here the title tells it all (and I don’t need an Afrikaans translation!) and a great photo that is only let down by the lack of detail in the snake. Maybe even less detail would actually add to the photos appeal as it seems to fall between these two parameters.
Score 23 Gold

Excellent composition and the detail is great although perhaps a slightly better depth of field would have allowed more detail and less fall off. The eyes are sharp and perhaps its unfortunate the reflection in the eye show a vehicle. This however is a minor issue and does not cause a concern over a human element in Nature but could cause problems if entered in a Wildlife category.
Score 22 Gold

We must be grateful for nature giving us the Oxpecker, as its always great to see them in nature photos even if there are so many of them! Hard to find fault with this photo that again has symmetry but perhaps again could be cropped slightly at the top to get rid of the small intrusion to the left of the animal. Could also perhaps benefit form cropping slightly at the bottom as here it is a rare example of central placement might add to the overall appeal. Excellent shop though and scores high at
Score 26 Gold

This tells a strong nature story and perhaps its therefore unfortunate that the fourth Zebra in the background somewhat detracts. However as a looker on it perhaps adds to the story. A worthy effort and justifies a good score:
Score 22 Gold and Cert of Merit

Again a nice Nature story and perhaps there is some argument that a better crop would add to the appeal. Some overall lack of sharpness and detail detracts perhaps but its the type of photo that instantly attracts the viewer.
Score 23 Gold and Junior image of the month

A magnificent shot even if it breaks the rule of odd numbers. Perhaps a tighter cropping at the bottom would be beneficial and perhaps a tad too much post processing so it give some impression of possible manipulation whether done so or not. This would be less a factor with club photography but might cause problems in Salons. But overall a cute photo and
scores 24 Gold

Nature macro does allow some relaxation of the normal rules and this is an excellent photo spoilt only for too tight a crop and the halos caused by post processing and maybe go back and rework.
Score 20 Silver

This location was not done the justice its potential has to offer. The image indicates that there were perfect clouds thus one wonders what it would have looked like at sunrise or sunset. The crop used on the left is too close to the structure as it highlights the fact that the building Hotel Bucintoro is not captured straight, then there is the opposite end, the inclusion of the building does not seem to add to the image. On first glance one feels that the inclusion of the travellers is a distraction but on second glance, they add scale to the image, sadly the historical masterpiece which is the bridge seems under construction as we note the ebb and flow of the modern scaffolding over it.
Score 18 Bronze

There is of course the argument that this is just a photo of another persons art and even then this is just a record shot. I don’t personally subscribe 100% to that argument as this photo has perfect lighting and cropping in line with the two doors makes this a stronger photo. Very intriguing photo too but cant justify a top mark it perhaps deserves over its appeal.
Score 22 Silver

A very nice attempt at a post sunset shot of an urban environment with good light bursts to add to the appeal. The vertical lines of some of the building could perhaps have been corrected and there is, perhaps as to be expected, some lack of sharpness in the mid distance.
Score 21 Silver

Hard to judge this photo as the thoughts of the photographer are hard to ascertain as there is certainly a storey there but not readily evident as to what it is. However the photographer is congratulated for thinking outside the box. The variety of technical and compositional faults do offset this originality so unfortunately a low
Score 15 Gold

Would have been equally good in set subject and whilst the style is not everyones cup of tea, it would do far better a for public appeal as a print in an exhibition perhaps. But here as a PDI it has been well handled and hard to suggest an improvement.
Score 26 Gold

Good portrait of a Hornbill but perhaps a bit soft to be truly pleasing and suffers from much competition in the subject matter. Nevertheless a great attempt to impart mood and perhaps could be improved by lightening the body feathers and perhaps a trifle more saturation on the beak and eyes.
Score 22 Gold and Cert of Merit

Extremely nice portrait although perhaps some more consideration as whether the amount of negative space adds or detracts from the photo. For the most part feather detail is good and the texture on the bill is impressive. Some impression of lack of sharpness lets this down somewhat. But a nice photo and relatively unique in portraits.
Score 24 Gold

One of those cases where a well composed and well handled photograph lacks that last bit of appeal score high. Certainly can argue with the lighting, the texture of the clothing and the slight smile and eye contact is nigh on perfect. Think it could be a great photo as part of a montage showing other characteristics of her profession.
Score 24 Gold

Not perhaps sure this fits in well with portraiture and would do better as PJ as too much extraneous features to do well as a portrait although the expression on the subject face adds to the appeal.
Score 19 Gold

Canola is always a regular feature in scapes and therefore the threshold for the appeal factor is high. Here the featured Thunder clouds does add to the appeal although there appeals to be some inconsistency in the background clouds which even if reflecting actuality detracts somewhat and gives the impression of over post processing. Nice too to see four trees instead of the typical sole tree in such photos. Lines are a big positive factor in this photo and this has been handled well.
Score 24 Gold

Luckily the title gives the game away as otherwise this could be taken as being somewhat nearer to home but then again there is a great deal of landscape similarity between southern African and South America. Always easy to suggest that the inclusion of something to give an ideal of scale would benefit the photo but if not there its not there. Some degree of noise evident too that perhaps could be lessened by some of the more expensive programs out there. But a good photo and
scores 23 Silver

Perhaps obvious where this is without the benefit of the title and a truly nice photo that given the time of day and location would be hard to improve. Again some noise in the sky but overall well composed, good leading lines.
Score 24 Gold

Here again departing from the odd numbers rule and indeed the photo benefits from the just slightly off centre location of the subject. Good attention to shadows and light and a striking photo.
Score 26 Gold

Its a pity we lack here some of the truly magnificent autumn shots from around the world and whilst there is no indication as to where this is that’s immaterial as is a great shot that is hard to decide on how it could be improved. Even the leaning tees add to the overall appeal. Nigh on perfect so a score of
29 Gold and Cert of Merit, Senior Image of the Month

A very nice long exposure shot with unusually as lot of minor features that add to the overall appeal. There is however to be expected some element of noise which is unfortunate. But these type of shots are always appealing and are to be encouraged.
Score 24 Gold

Nice shot and as it tells a story maybe better in Photo Journalism when it does not have to compete with other scapes, where it would always be struggling. The golden glow on the buildings is a nice feature but ideally the darker areas of the pedestrians could be lightened somewhat to bring out more detail.
Score 20 Silver

More perhaps a memory shot but nevertheless well composes and with good depth of field and of course the obligatory leading lines. Could perhaps be improved by something to give the a human element a small part but really well done.
Score 26 Gold

Here Shadows are the obvious feature of the photo and the technical characteristics of the photo cannot be questioned. But perhaps lacks an element of “oh that is interesting”. However an excellent photo and is given a
Score 23 Silver

Here again the entry confirms the title of the set subject. High level of treatment of lighting to create depth and cropped extremely well to emphasize shapes. This style of photographer is hard to master and the photographer has done well.
Score 25 Gold and SSW

Thought went into this and the title reflects the style of the photo as the tonal range is subtle.
Score 23 Gold

Again shadows make this picture as without them merely a record shot although even then a good shot. The reduced tonal range again assists this photo and whether or not the partial building at the top of the cliff adds top the appeal perhaps is debatable. Score 23 Silver

Score 20 Gold

The image meets the requirements of the task, love the use of bright colours which is in contrast to the mono colour of the shadows. Good use of repetition as the shadows and shapes form a diagonal pattern as it sweeps from right to left. Just a caution regarding the highlights as it is threatening to blow out especially on the red. Score 24 Gold

Again it is so nice to see the ideas coming out of the set subject Shadows and here again the simplicity adds to the appeal. The falling off of sharpness in the bottom corners could by some considered a distraction but to others part of the appeal. Maybe too additional highlights would add to the appeal but overall a very nice treatment of the subject.
Score 23 Gold

Being a set subject of Shadows there is therefore a greater tolerance of the treatment of shadows but here perhaps a trifle lack of detail in some of the shadows. Otherwise an attempt to create a feeling of mood which has been well handled. Maybe its noise in the background or treatment selected by the photographer but either way it works. Score 23 Silver