Hermanus Photographic Society
HPS FynArts Gallery

HPS FynArts Gallery

2023 most popular images as voted by the public

Nature and scapes used to reign supreme. But this time the popular choice of visitors to our annual print exhibition was an image in the contemporary category. “Spiral staircase” by Marié Botes  received 29 of 408 votes cast by 136 visitors. The exhibition, from 9 to 17 June, was part of the Hermanus FynArts festival. Visitors were asked to indicate their personal three favourite images.

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O-002-2172185-Spiral Staircase
O-002-2172185-Spiral Staircase
Spiral Staircase © Marié Botes
O-004-2171981-Brown hyena at Sossusvlei
O-004-2171981-Brown hyena at Sossusvlei

Brown hyena at Sossusvlei © Carina de Klerk

O-006-2171983-Autumn trees and dark skies p
O-006-2171983-Autumn trees and dark skies p

Autumn trees and dark skies © Carina de Klerk

O-003-2169694-Cleaning up after the burn in B and W
O-003-2169694-Cleaning up after the burn in B and W

Cleaning up after the burn in B and W © Daniel Reddie

O-001-2172216-Secretary bird in silhouette
O-001-2172216-Secretary bird in silhouette

Secretary bird in silhouette ©Judes Armstrong

O-005-2169681-Please Save Water
O-005-2169681-Please Save Water

Please Save Water © David Wilson

Wet wet wet C 170811
Wet wet wet C 170811

Wet wet wet © Charles Naudé

O-004-2168960-Stormy Walker Bay
O-004-2168960-Stormy Walker Bay

Stormy Walker Bay ©Phil Sturgess

O-001-2172184-Berries and Pancakes
O-001-2172184-Berries and Pancakes

Berries and pancakes © Marié Botes


Togetherness © Phil Sturgess

Images by learners from Hermies Camera Club

See last year’s images on page 2.